Hector Guimard
Hector Guimard was a French architect and designer, and a prominent figure of the Art Nouveau style. He achieved early fame with his design for the Castel ... Early life and education · The Guimard Style · Chronology of notable buildings
Hector Guimard
曾經是新藝術風格中法國建築師、家具設計師、裝飾藝術家。 1867出生於巴黎倫敦,在1882年進入巴黎裝飾藝術 ...
Hector Guimard
Hector Guimard was a Socialist, and an activist for political and social change. Guimard's quest for social justice inspired his designs for a series of rural ...
Hector Guimard
Introduction: Hector Guimard was a French architect and designer, and a prominent figure of the Art Nouveau style. He achieved early fame with his design ...
艾克特·吉瑪(法語:Hector Guimard,法語發音:[ɛktɔʁ ɡimaʁ];—1942年5月20日)是法國里昂出身的建築師,新藝術的代表者之一。較知名的作品是巴黎地下 ...